UofL Health is committed to providing inclusive, compassionate, innovative and patient-centered care for our entire community. It is important that everyone receives the health care, screenings and support needed to live as healthy as possible. This includes regular cancer screenings essential for early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.

Understanding LGBTQIA+ Cancer Disparities

LGBTQIA+ individuals face specific health disparities, including higher rates of certain cancers, barriers to accessing health care and discrimination within the health care system. Understanding and addressing these disparities is crucial for promoting equitable health care.

Creating a Safe and inclusive Health Care Environment

UofL Health is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all LGBTQIA+ individuals seeking care, including cancer screenings. Here are some important considerations we prioritize:

  • Culturally Competent Care
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Patient Education and Support


Remember, early detection is key in the fight against cancer. By following these LGBTQIA+ cancer screening guidelines and seeking regular screenings, you take an active role in your own health and well-being.

Breast Cancer Screening

Assigned female at birth individuals and transgender women with extended use of estrogen therapy should follow the general population's breast cancer screening guidelines. This typically involves regular mammograms starting at age 40 (or earlier if there is a family history of breast cancer).

UofL Health – Brown Cancer Center offers a High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic for individuals who are at increased risk of developing breast cancer, this includes those individuals:

  • With a family history of breast or ovarian cancer
  • Who have been told they have a generic predisposition for breast and other cancers
  • Who have been told they have dense breast tissue
  • Who have been exposed to previous radiation therapy

To learn more and to schedule an appointment, call our High Risk Breast Clinic at 502-562-HOPE (4673).

Cervical Cancer Screening

Assigned female at birth individuals with a cervix, including transgender men and non-binary individuals, should receive regular cervical cancer screenings. The recommended screening method is the Pap test or Pap smear, starting at age 21 and continuing until age 65.

Prostate Cancer Screening

Assigned male at birth individuals, including transgender women and non-binary individuals assigned male at birth, should discuss prostate cancer screening with their health care provider. The decision to undergo prostate cancer screening should be based on an individual's risk factors, including family history and age.

Colorectal Cancer Screening

All individuals, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, should follow the general population's colorectal cancer screening guidelines. This usually involves regular colonoscopies starting at age 45, or earlier if there are risk factors or symptoms present. Those born after 1990 are at a significantly increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Talk with your physician if you notice any changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation lasting more than a few days, blood in the stool and unexpected changes in appetite and weight.

Anal Cancer Screening

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a casual risk factor for developing anal cancer, and  individuals who have receptive anal intercourse are at a greater risk of both HPV and anal cancer. Ask your doctor if an annual anal Pap smear is appropriate for you.

Lung Cancer Screening

LGBTQ individuals who smoke or have a history of smoking should follow the general population's lung cancer screening guidelines. A low-dose CT scan is recommended for individuals aged 50 to 80 who have a history of heavy smoking or who have quit within the past 15 years.

Skin Cancer Screening

Regular skin cancer screenings are recommended for all individuals. Examine your skin regularly for any new or changing moles and consult a dermatologist if you notice any concerning changes.

For more information about cancer screening, please contact UofL Health – Cancer Screening Program at 502-210-4497.

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