Important things to know
- We are a non-smoking facility.
- Once you come to Peace Hospital for an evaluation, we must call the on-call psychiatrist, and have you sign paperwork before you can exit.
- Your doctor will determine what medications will be continued or discontinued during your stay.
- Once you have been accepted by a provider, your request for discharge will be evaluated case by case by your psychiatrist or APRN.
- Visitation times and phone call times vary depending on your assigned unit. You will be given that information by registration.
- Length of stay will be determined by your treatment needs and psychiatrist/APRN. We are not a long-term facility.
- We encourage family involvement during your stay. To talk with your family and friends during your stay, your family/friends will need your patient ID number which will be provided to you at the time of registration.
- We do offer outpatient programs including partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient. These are group therapy-based programs. You may see a psychiatrist/APRN weekly if recommended by the program.
What to bring
(may include by not limited to these items)
- Driver’s license or identification card
- List of all medications, dosages, and frequency
- Prescribed medications
- Casual, comfortable clothing
- (No clothes with strings or shoestrings)
- Sports bras are preferred. You may be asked to remove the underwire from a bra.
- Personal toiletry items
What to leave at home
(may include by not limited to these items)
- Valuables (valuable jewelry, expensive clothing, large sums, etc.)
- Clothing promoting drug/alcohol use
- Lighter or matches
- Cigarettes and other tobacco products
- Electronic cigarettes
- Food items (will be provided)
- Weapons (including pocket knife and pepper spray)
- Laptop computer/iPad/electronic device
- Cell phone
- Keys
- Glass items (including mirrors)
- Razor
- Belt
- Bandana
- Bobby pins and barrettes
- Tank tops
- Scarfs
(If you come alone and have any of the above items, they’ll be kept safe and returned to you at discharge)