Leena Gundumalla, M.D.

Leena Gundumalla, M.D.

Areas of Interest

Adult outpatient psychiatry | Perioperative psychiatry

Primary Practice Location
UofL Physicians – Psychiatry and Depression Center
UofL Health – Chestnut Street Outpatient Center
401 East Chestnut Street, Suite 610
Louisville, KY 40202
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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5
Get to know

Leena Gundumalla, M.D.

Leena Gundumalla, M.D., created the perioperative psychiatry clinic at the UofL Health – Chestnut Street Outpatient Center, which provides psychiatric evaluation and treatment in an outpatient setting, for patients in the perioperative period or with a notable surgical history or stressor.

Education & Training

University of Louisville | Louisville | 2012
St. George's University | Grenada | 2020
University of Louisville | Psychiatry | Louisville | 2024



Areas of Interest

Adult outpatient psychiatry | Perioperative psychiatry


Board Certified in Psychiatry

Practice, Specialty or Service

School of Medicine

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Patient Comments

Dec 17, 2024

5 out of 5
This was my first meeting with Dr. Gundumalla, who is a specialist in her field. I found her to be extremely kind, knowledgeable and helpful respecting my medical issue and I look forward to working with her in the future.

Oct 7, 2024

5 out of 5
Dr. G has a penetrating calming presence that puts you right as ease. I highly recommend her!

UofL Physicians participates in most major health plans in Kentucky. Coverage may vary by specialty. Coverage limitations are dependent on the terms of your personal health plan. This is not a guarantee that all services you receive will be covered by your health plan. Review your health plan provider directory and/or consult with your plan to confirm coverage.