At UofL Health, our team prioritizes your heart health by providing a comprehensive diagnostic cardiology program. Our diagnostic cardiology program focuses on the use of multiple tests to identify, treat and prevent various heart conditions. A list of our full range of services and information about each can be found below.

Stress Tests

Stress tests are used to determine if your heart is functioning properly during physical activity. Exercise is known to make our hearts pump harder and faster. While performing physical activity, the cardiologist will use an electrocardiogram to record heart rhythm as well as an arm cuff to check blood pressure. The most common stress test and the one offered here at UofL Health is the Treadmill test. During this stress test, patients will be required to walk on a treadmill for some light physical activity for about 15 minutes.


An echocardiogram (ECHO) uses high frequency waves to take pictures of your heart and allow your cardiologist to examine your heart’s structure. This test is typically used to ensure your heart is functioning properly and can detect abnormalities in heartbeats, pumping strength and much more.

Holter Monitors

A holter monitor is a type of monitor that is wearable and records your heart’s rhythm over a period of 24 to 48 hours. One advantage holter monitors have is that they are able to pick up details about the heart’s condition that an ECG or EKG sometimes can’t. Holter monitors are commonly used to catch irregular heartbeats, or arrythmias.

Stress ECHO

Your cardiologist may perform a stress ECHO test to examine your heart’s structure while your heart is being stressed during light physical activity. During the stress ECHO, ultrasound images are captured of your heart during peak heart rate levels to determine if your heart is getting enough blood and oxygen during physical activity.


A TEE test (transesophageal echocardiogram) is a type of ECHO test that uses ultrasound to capture detailed images of your heart and arteries. During this procedure, a thin tube with an imaging device will be placed through the mouth and into the esophagus. A TEE test can help to diagnose various heart conditions including blot clots, tumors, infections and more.

Vascular Screening

A vascular screening test is a painless exam that checks the health of your blood vessels. Vascular screenings are important in the early detection and treatment of vascular disease, which is often asymptomatic.

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