This time of year, life just gets busy. Don’t forget to reorder prescriptions when you’re running low!
Extra reminders may be needed to remember to take medicine. Setting an alarm on your phone or keeping a note taped to your steering wheel may be helpful.
Remember to take your rapid acting insulin with you when you go places. Unless protected, don’t keep insulin stored in a car when the temperature is freezing.
If air traveling, carry your diabetes medicine and blood glucose meter with you at all times, not inside checked luggage.
While staying in someone else’s home, be careful where you store your medicine. Keep medicine in a safe place where it cannot be mistaken for someone else’s prescription.
It’s easy to get out of your routine when you are somewhere new. Before you go on your trip, make a plan on how to take your medications when you should.
Ask your host how he/she prefers you dispose of your lancets and pen needles (if on injections) before you visit. This way you both will be prepared on what to do.
Call your health care provider as needed for possible adjustment if your blood glucose is staying out of target.
This is the third post in our “Living with diabetes during the holidays” series. Click here to read the first post—Eating healthy. Click here to read the second post—Be active.
If you want to learn more about how to manage diabetes in your day-to-day activities for any time of year, the UofL Physicians Medicine Clinics-Diabetes Self-Management Education Program is here to help. Once you have a referral from your health care practitioner, call 502-588-4600 to schedule an appointment.