What Are Extensor Tendon Injuries?
Canned goods are extremely useful when you are running short on time and having to prepare a quick meal. However, canned goods can also be dangerous if handled improperly. Specifically, the improper or hasty opening of canned goods can result in lacerations of the hand, which in addition to cutting the skin often results in injury to deeper structures such as tendons, nerves, and vessels.
Extensor tendons of the hand are located on the dorsal side of the hand and function to extend the fingers. Injury to extensor tendons is frequent and results in substantial disability if not properly treated. Extensor injuries to the thumb are the most common (25.7%), followed by the middle finger (24.8), whereas injuries of the small finger are the least common (10.5%). The most common mechanism of injury of extensor tendons is with a sharp object, such as a can, knife, or glass (60.4%), followed by saw injuries (12.8%).