Lacey Jarboe, PT, DPT

Lacey Jarboe, PT, DPT

Physical Therapy, Rehab Care
Areas of Interest

Neurological | Orthopedics | Sports Injury Rehab and Post Op Care

Primary Practice Location
UofL Health – Frazier Rehabilitation Institute – Medical Center East
UofL Health – Medical Center East
3920 Dutchmans Lane
Louisville, KY 40207
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Education & Training



Areas of Interest

Neurological | Orthopedics | Sports Injury Rehab and Post Op Care

Practice, Specialty or Service

UofL Physicians participates in most major health plans in Kentucky. Coverage may vary by specialty. Coverage limitations are dependent on the terms of your personal health plan. This is not a guarantee that all services you receive will be covered by your health plan. Review your health plan provider directory and/or consult with your plan to confirm coverage.