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Dhruv Sharma, M.D.
Dhruv Sharma, M.D., is a board-certified Otolaryngologist (ENT) and a fellowship-trained Rhinologist. His clinical expertise is in the medical and surgical management of nasal, sinus and skull base disorders (Rhinology). He is proud to be a Louisville native and is humbled to take care of patients in the Kentuckiana community.
"My patients can expect compassionate, empathetic care delivered in a way that addresses their unique concerns with a customized treatment plan. We will clearly discuss all your medical and surgical options with the goal of significantly improving your quality of life. I employ cutting-edge, minimally invasive techniques for both surgery and in-office procedures."
- Wu AW, Sharma D, Yang C, Alwani M, Rubel KE, Illing EA, Ting JY, Higgins TS. Analysis of ostial patency measurements after endoscopic sphenoidotoimies and frontal sinusotomies: a multi-institutional pilot study. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology. Published online May 2023.
- Wu AW, Higgins TS, Halawi AM, Illing EA, Tang DM, Kuan EC, Ting JY, Norez DA, Kim SA, Sharma D, Chen PG, Reh DD, Rangarajan SV, Lam KK, Ow RA, Sublett JW. Postoperative polyp score (POPS): Development and Validation of a New Sinonasal Polyp Grading Score via a Modified Delphi Method. Laryngoscope. Published online March 2023.
- Jafari A*, Adappa ND, Anagnos V, Campbell R, Castelnuovo P, Chalian A, Chambers C; Chitguppi C, Dallan I, El Rassi E, Freitag S, Fernandez-Miranda J, Ferreira M, Gardner P, Gudis D, Harvey R, Huang Q, Humphreys I, Kennedy D, Lee J, Lehmann A, Locatelli D, Mckinney K, Moreau A, Nyquist G, Palmer J, Prepageran N, Pribitkin E, Rabinowitz M, Rosen M, Sacks R, Sharma D, Snyderman C, Stefko S, Stokken J, Wang R, Workman A, Wu A, Yu J, Zhang M, Zhou B, Bleier B. Orbital Resection by Intranasal Technique (ORBIT) Stage: A new staging system for reporting endoscopically resectable primary orbital tumors. International Forum of Rhinology & Allergy. Published online February 2023.
- Rubel KE, Rodman CP, Jones A, Sharma D, Campiti V, Falls M, Bolujo I, Ting JY, Illing EA. The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus on Post-Operative Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology. Published online April 26, 2022.
- Sharma D, Campiti VJ, Ye MJ, Rubel KE, Higgins TS, Wu AW, Shipchandler TZ, Burgin SJ, Sim MW, Illing EA, Park J, Ting JY. Aerosol generation during routine rhinologic surgeries and in-office procedures. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. Published online Jan 14, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/lio2.520.
- Campiti VJ, Ye MJ, Sharma D, Matt BH, Mitchell RM, Ting JY, Illing EA, Park J, Burgin SJ. Aerosol Generation during myringotomy with tympanostomy tube insertion: Implications for Otolaryngology in the COVID-19 era. Manuscript accepted on Jan 5, 2021 for publication by Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
- Ye MJ, Sharma D, Campiti VJ, Rubel KE, Burgin SJ, Illing EA, Ting JY, Park J, Johnson JD, Vernon DJ, Nesemeier BR, Shipchandler TZ. Aerosol and droplet generation from mandible and midface fixation: surgical risk in the pandemic era. American Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery. 2021;42(1):10289. PMID: 33186853.
- Ye MJ, Sharma D, Rubel KE, Lebo NL, Burgin SJ, Illing EA, Ting JY, Moore MG, Yesensky JA, Mantravadi AV, Sim MW. Droplet exposure risk to providers from in-office flexible laryngoscopy: A COVID-19 simulation. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2021;164(1):93-96. PMID: 32808872.
- Sharma D, Campiti VJ, Ye MJ, Saltagi M, Carroll AE, Ting JY, Illing EA, Park J, Nelson FN, Burgin SJ. Aerosol generation during cadaveric simulation of otology surgery and live cochlear implantation. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. Published online Dec 16, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/lio2.506.
- Alwani M, Svensstrup J, Bandali H, Sharma D., Illing E, Shipchandler Z, Higgins T, Wu A, Ting, J. Validity testing of a 3D-printed endoscopic sinonasal surgery simulator. Laryngoscope. 2020;130(12):2748-53. PMID: 31714604.
- Rubel KE, Sharma D, Campiti VJ, Yedika G, Burgin SJ, Illing EA, Kroenke K, Ting JY. COVID-19 status differentially impacts olfaction: A prospective case-control study. OTO Open. 2020:4(4):1-6.
- Nwosu OI, Rubel KE, Alwani MM, Sharma D, Miller S, Ting JY. Use of adenosine to facilitate localization and repair of internal carotid artery injury during skull base surgery: A case report and literature review. The Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. Published online Oct 8, 2020. PMID: 33030046.
- Sharma D, Tucker BJ, Millay DS, Rubel KE, Saltagi M, Nelson RN, Illing EA, Ting JY. Calvarium thinning in patients with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leaks of the anterior skull base. Laryngoscope. Published online Sep 23, 2020. PMID: 32965699.
- Sharma D, Ye MJ, Campiti VJ, Rubel KE, Higgins TS, Wu AW, Shipchandler TZ, Sim MW, Burgin SJ, Illing EA, Park J, Ting JY. Mitigation of aerosols generated during rhinologic surgery: A pandemic-era cadaveric simulation. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Published online Aug 11, 2020. PMID: 32779974.
- Sharma D, Rubel KE, Ye MJ, Campiti VJ, Carroll AE, Ting JY, Illing EA, Burgin SJ. Cadaveric simulation of otologic procedures: An analysis of droplet splatter patterns during the COIVD-19 pandemic. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2020;163(2):320-324. PMID: 32423287.
- Sharma D, Sandelski MM, Ting JY, Higgins TS. Correlations in trends of sinusitis-related online search queries in the United States. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy. 2020: 34(4):482-486. PMID: 32064888.
- Sharma D, Rubel KE, Ye MJ, Shipchandler TZ, Wu AW, Higgins TS, Burgin SJ, Ting JY, Illing EA. Cadaveric simulation of endoscopic endonasal procedures: Analysis of droplet splatter patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2020;163(1):145-150. PMID: 32423283.
- Higgins TS, Wu AW, Sharma D, Illing EA, Rubel KE, Ting JY. Correlations of online search engine trends with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) incidence: Infodemiology study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2020;6(2):e19702. PMID: 32401211.
- Sharma D, Neiweem A, Davis K, Prendes M, Chundury R, Illing EA. Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the lacrimal sac and literature review of the lacrimal system. Allergy Rhinology (Providence). 2020;11: 2152656720920600. PMID: 32341837.
- Eid R, Sharma D, Smock W. Podoconiosis in rural Tanzania. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2016:95(1):1. PMID: 27385665.
- Wesson T, Sharma D, Rodman C, Tucker BJ, Romano DR, Chen J, Mulinaro L, Carroll A, Illing EA, Bennett W, Burgin SJ. Evolving microbial patterns of acute mastoiditis in pediatric patients undergoing mastoidectomy. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2023; 172: 111690
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