In 1950, Amelia Brown Frazier had had enough! Left ailing and in need of a rehab from a car accident in 1929, she was traveling to New York to receive her care at The Rusk Institute, a leader in an emerging field of physical medicine and rehab. As a woman of vision, and tired of not having her care needs met at home, she set out to create a comparable facility in her hometown.

Using her resources and influence, she served as the catalyst for the creation of The Rehabilitation Center, Inc. in 1954. In 1984, the name was changed to the Amelia Brown Frazier Rehabilitation Center in honor and recognition of her leadership to the organization. In 1994, following a long-term relationship with Jewish Hospital to include 10 years of management, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute became a part of Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services. In 2013, Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services merged with Catholic Health Initiatives forming KentuckyOne Health, expanding its scope of services across the Commonwealth. In 2019, the Louisville region facilities, including Frazier Rehabilitation Institute, joined with the University of Louisville Hospital to form UofL Health.

Over the past six decades, UofL Health – Frazier Rehabilitation Institute has become a recognized leader in rehab care, creating an unparalleled network of services and locations. Patients come from across the world to receive care. One of the guiding forces of this success has been a long-term relationship with the University of Louisville and its Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health and Speed Engineering schools. Frazier is the exclusive teaching site for the University of Louisville School of Medicine in rehabilitative medicine.

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